Day 200

Builder’s guilt is a condition pervasive in Tow Town. Some have been suffering from its effects for years and not even been aware of it. The symptoms include anxiety, nausea, dizziness, depression, high blood pressure, low self-esteem, rashes, and constant moaning. It affects one’s professional life, relationships, and recreational pursuits. Though it may be treated with psychotherapy and medications, these address only the symptoms and not the root cause. The only known cure is a 100% physically completed home (although anything in the 96th percentile and above may prove sufficient). It tends to strike some time after ‘lock-up’ or when one can inhabit the structure with only minimal inconvenience or shame. When I first moved to North Beach I saw others debilitated by their builder’s guilt (although fortunately it didn’t seem to impair their surfing at all) and swore that I wouldn’t put myself at risk of the disease. Now, despite the best of intentions, I’ve developed an acute case of BG. I just recently got a proper diagnosis, after I noticed that I’d get severe abdominal cramps every time that I walked around a set of sawhorses and tools blocking the front door to my cabin. Thankfully, there is a support group here in the community, informally referred to by the chapter head as ‘the Vapour Barrier Boys’ (This affliction strikes mostly males in their late 20’s to late 30’s. Women tend to be less susceptible perhaps because of their tendency to just get down to it and ‘git ‘er done’). Actually, I’m running out the door now to a retreat on Moresby Island for the weekend. Stay strong brothers and have a great (Canadian) Thanksgiving.