October 2011

Day 218

Day 218

Day 214

Day 214

Still have hunting on the mind. Something happened recently that further clarified for me what makes hunting what it is for me (or what it isn’t). My neighbour, Toni, came up my path with a flashlight late the other night. A dinner guest of hers had come back to say that they’d seen a deer […]

Day 211

Day 211

Day 207

Day 207

I hadn’t expected to enjoy hunting so much. If you’d told me five years ago that I’d be hunting at all, I would have laughed/sneered in your face. Like many urbanites, I had an image of hunting that involved loud men in camo and big trucks, beer empties flying out the window. ‘What kind of […]

Day 204

Day 204

Day 200

Day 200

Builder’s guilt is a condition pervasive in Tow Town. Some have been suffering from its effects for years and not even been aware of it. The symptoms include anxiety, nausea, dizziness, depression, high blood pressure, low self-esteem, rashes, and constant moaning. It affects one’s professional life, relationships, and recreational pursuits. Though it may be treated […]