Day 179

I’ve been told a few times now to, ‘Get a haircut.’ When Lisa first asked me if I was growing a beard, I’d responded that I’d just stopped shaving. There’s a difference. One emphasizes a desire to do something, while the other was simply doing nothing. The same applies for what’s happening with the hair on top of my head.

But am I really doing nothing? Firstly, I’m saving time. I spend exactly zero minutes grooming my hair each morning. I might look in the mirror, if I feel the need for a good chuckle, but otherwise my hair is completely au naturel. I also used to go get my hair cut every two weeks, which meant getting in the car, burning part of an afternoon and some fossil fuels twice a month to get to my barber. And there was always a wait.

Secondly, I’m saving money. With tip, my barber cut was costing me $20 a pop (and don’t get me started on ‘product’). Which adds up to over $500 a year. I could buy another shotgun for that much and still have enough leftover for a case of beer. Or put it into a Tax Free Savings Account (boooring). But really, my hair hasn’t been longer than an inch my entire adult life. Being now able to bop my hair to music. Priceless.

I’m also feeling like my hair may hold some Samson-esque qualities. I indeed do feel mightier the longer it grows. And as an ex-girlfriend – the daughter of a Baptist preacher – put it, “The higher the hair, the closer to God.”