September 2011

Day 193

Day 193

I’ve finally come down with a cold. There were times while I was building, when I was feeling worn down and completely soaked through with rain, that I thought that I was ripe to get hit with a bug. But lacking much contact with other people, dirty doorknobs etc. I was effectively in reverse-quarantine. Yet […]

Day 191

Day 191

August Recap

August Recap

Day 185

Day 185

Hunters vs. Farmers. I had grand images before coming up of growing my food as well as gathering. The fact that I haven’t ever grown anything more edible than a dandelion in my life, was no deterrent to me, as I’d also never so much as hammered two boards together either. What I’ve found is […]

Day 183

Day 183

Day 179

Day 179

I’ve been told a few times now to, ‘Get a haircut.’ When Lisa first asked me if I was growing a beard, I’d responded that I’d just stopped shaving. There’s a difference. One emphasizes a desire to do something, while the other was simply doing nothing. The same applies for what’s happening with the hair […]