A Few Extra Pounds

I’ve gained some weight, undoubtedly, some muscle. The Ben Davis pants that I wore in university fit again. But the other day I ate an entire bag of granola and on another, two-thirds of a jar of Nutella in one sitting. I had to force myself to stop. I could have easily just finished it. Empty bins of nuts are beginning to clutter my shelves. I stew a couple of deer legs in a pot on the wood stove with onion, garlic, carrot. It simmers all day. When I start eating the meat, I’ll generally keep on going until the bone and joint are picked as clean as an anatomy model. If I keep eating like this when I’m done building, I’m going to be one fat mother. That would be bad. A fat, hairy, bush bro. I’ve already started tapering. To feed my appetite, I’ve been eating half-heads of cabbage, raw with a little dressing, just to fill myself up. I will no longer dip cookies into cashew butter. I will hide my chocolate from myself. I haven’t figured out how to do this yet.